Talks and presentations
Invited talks and seminars
Big data in science: application to large scale physical systems, California Council on Science and Technology, Irvine, CA, October 13, 2011.
Modele statistique du trafic urbain sur un reseau: application a l'estimation a partir de donnees GPS (A statistical model or urban traffic on a network: application to traffic estimation from sparse GPS data), seminaire modele de transport (IFSTTAR), Marne La Vallee, France, June 9, 2010.
Modelisation statistique du trafic et estimation a partir de donnees diffuses de geolocalisation (Statistical modeling and estimation of arterial traffic from sparse GPS data), Research Seminar on transportation network modeling, Marne La Vallee, France, July 1, 2010.
A Dynamic Bayesian Network for arterial traffic estimation and forecast, 12th Research Seminar TISIC (Information, Signal and Image processing) on filtering and estimation, Paris, France, June 25, 2010.
Mobile Millennium and Arterial Traffic estimation, Research Seminar GRETIA (INRETS), Marne La Vallee, France, June 8, 2010.
Media events
Contrer la congestion routiere (fighting traffic congestion) Radio Canada Les Annees lumiere, science et technology (the light years, science and technology), Sept 30, 2011
Mobile Millennium. CITRIS Press Briefing with Marvell co-founder Weili Dai. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. May 5, 2009.
International conferences presentations and posters
Probability distributions of travel times on arterial networks: a traffic flow and horizontal queuing theory approach, 91st Transportation Board Annual Meeting, Paper number 12-0798, Washington D.C., January 2012.
Large scale estimation of arterial traffic and structural analysis of traffic patterns using probe vehicles, 91st Transportation Board Annual Meeting, Paper number 12-0598, Washington D.C., January 2012.
A Three-Stream Model for Arterial Traffic, 91st Transportation Board Annual Meeting, Paper number 12-1212, Washington D.C., January 2012.
Poster presentation, Google Bay Area PhD Summit, Mountain View Ca, January 2012.
Online least-squares estimation of time varying systems with sparse temporal evolution and application to traffic estimation, 50th Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, Fl., Dec. 12, 2011.
Using Mobile Phones to Forecast Arterial Traffic through Statistical Learning, Transportation Research Board 89th annual meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan 2010.
Dynamic sensing policies for monitoring arterial road traffic, Neural Information Processing System Workshop, Adaptive Sensing, Active Learning and Experimental Design: Theory, Methods and Applications, Whistler, Canada, Dec 2010.
Mobile Millennium Demonstration - Participatory Traffic Estimation Using Mobile Phones. CPS Forum, Cyber-Physical Systems Week 2009. San Francisco, CA, April 13, 2009.
Mobile Millennium, privacy and security in cyberphysical systems, ITS World Congress, New-York City, NY, Nov. 2008.
Technical talks and seminars
An introduction to graphical models, presentation in CE 290, Advanced Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Main instructor: A. Bayen, UC Berkeley, CA, Oct 4, 2010.
An integrated approach of traffic modeling and statistical models, presentation in CE 290 Advanced Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Main instructor: A. Bayen, UC Berkeley, CA, Sept 13, 2010.
Mobile Millennium, using participatory sensing to optimize large scale infrastructure cyberphysical systems, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees – CCIT meeting, Berkeley, CA, Sept. 2008.
Optimization of traffic flows at intersections using automatic switches in traffic light, Seminar on dynamical systems, TU Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2007.
Industry, government and delegation talks